E-learning overview

Below is an overview of all our e-learning courses for healthcare providers. Would you also like to view our education and training courses? Then go back to the Overview page.

Menstrual Cycle

Knowledge of the menstrual cycle forms the basis for counselling on contraception and assists in answering questions on how various methods work and side effects. The e-learning 'Menstrual Cycle' refreshes your knowledge of the menstrual cycle. Life stages, complaints and disorders are also covered.

Duration: 1 hour
Cost: 25 euro
Accreditation KNOV: 1 point
Accreditation points KNOV - partial register of contraception: none

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Healthcare providers providing contraceptive care often also receive questions about emergency contraception. The e-learning 'Noodanticonceptie' starts with a brief refresher on how the menstrual cycle works. Then the morning-after pill with levonorgestrel or with ulipristal is discussed, and finally the copper IUD.

Duration: 1 hour
Cost: 25 euro
Accreditation KNOV: 1 point
Accreditation points KNOV - contraception sub-register: 1 point

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The contraceptive pill

The e-learning 'The Contraceptive Pill' provides guidance on counselling about the pill. There are many different types of contraceptive pills available, but how do you know which pill is best for which woman? How does the contraceptive pill work? What is important during the anamnesis? What points do you discuss with women?

Duration: 1 hour
Cost: €37.50
Accreditation KNOV: 1.5 points
Accreditation points KNOV - contraception sub-register: 1.5

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