Highly appreciated by healthcare providers for years: our education, training and e-learning courses.
We provide various accredited training courses so that health care providers can optimally counsel women about contraception. These courses are often held in the evening, at various locations throughout the country. During these trainings we are with a small group of caregivers (usually 10-20 participants). Small enough for lots of personal attention and questions, and large enough for lots of interaction and the opportunity to learn from each other. We also provide a light meal and always make it an instructive and also fun meeting.
If you want to train or refresh skills, we offer insertion instructions for all our spirals. These are mostly short training sessions that we provide individually or in groups on location.
We also provide (accredited) e-learnings! Increase your knowledge in your own time and pace.
Go directly to the shop to register or look below for an overview of all modules.