Lot numbers copper coils: how does it work and where to find them?
Lot numbers copper coils: how does it work and where to find them?
Quality and reliability are our top priorities! Titus Health Care offers free of charge a replacement T-Safe, Multi-Safe or Flexi-T copper IUD after a failed placement or expulsion within 6 months of placement. Healthcare providers easily and quickly request a replacement IUD via the online form. In this form, we ask for the spiral's lot number, among other things. But what is a lot number? Where can you find the lot number of our copper spirals and why do we ask for it on the replacement form? And why is it so important to document lot numbers? Find out below!
What is a lottery ticket number?
Think of a lot number as the 'fingerprint' of a spiral: it is a unique code that indicates which production batch the spiral comes from, what type it is and when it was produced. The lot number makes each spiral traceable and ensures that we can continue to guarantee the quality and safety of our products. It is therefore important for healthcare providers to record this number, so that it can always be easily retrieved.
Tip for midwives: the Contraception portal automatically registers lottery numbers. You can then always find lottery numbers in the overview of your recipes.
Where can I find the lottery number?
Lot numbers are on the packaging of each spiral. The number starts after the indication 'LOT' and consists of numbers or a combination of numbers and letters. Depending on the type of packaging, the lot number is printed or on a sticker. In the picture opposite, you can see how to recognise the lot numbers of T-Safe, Multi-Safe and Flexi-T copper coils.
Lot numbers at replacement request
There are currently 17 different copper coils on the market in the Netherlands, including T-Safe and Multi-Safe are most commonly used. When requesting a replacement, we would like to know which coil it is. This also requires the batch number of the spiral placed. With every request, this way we try to get a complete picture of the situation. Based on the information we receive, we can give appropriate advice and best help caregivers.
Why document lot numbers of spirals?
Registering the lot number of a coil is an important step in ensuring quality and safety. This is because it offers two major advantages:
- Traceability in recall cases: It is fortunately rare but if a manufacturer discovers a problem with a specific batch of spirals, it may be necessary to launch a recall. Without batch number registration, it can be difficult to trace which spiral was placed on which patient. In the worst case scenario, all patients have to return to have their spirals removed.
- Investigation in case of side effects or Complaints: If a patient experiences side effects or a product complaint arises, the lot number can help identify whether this is a one-off case or whether it may be more common in a specific batch. This enables the manufacturer to take quick and targeted action. Thus, together we contribute to quality improvement and can take quick action when needed.
Documenting what else?
Besides the lot number, there are more details that are useful to document at insertion. We always recommend noting the following data in the patient record:
- the type of spiral (T-Safe, Multi-Safe (short), Flexi-T)
- expiry date of the spiral
- date of insertion
- measured probe length
- any particularities during insertion
Specifics might include postpartum placement or a woman who is breastfeeding.
More information
Do you have questions about lot numbers, the replacement procedure or other information about our copper coils? Please feel free to contact us at medical@titushealthcare.nl - we are happy to help you!