Partial register Contraception: how does it work?
Most midwives are registered in the Quality Register for Midwives. By registering, you demonstrate that you have the right qualifications and invest in the advancement of expertise. This basic register contains sub-registers, allowing you, as a midwife, to show even better what you are competent in. You can also qualify as a midwife in new and additional skills, such as contraception. Since September 2022, there has also been the Contraception sub-register. But how do you register? How many points do you need to obtain? In this blog, we answer the most frequently asked questions about the partial register of Contraception.
How do I register for the contraception sub-registry?
To register for the Contraception sub-register, you must be registered in the Quality Register of Midwives and have successfully completed the required training courses. There are no additional costs for registering in the sub-register. To register, log in to PE-Online. You choose 'register for sub-register Contraception' and follow the wizard. Upload the files below:
- Completed e-learning Contraception (or if graduated from 2017 midwifery training diploma)
- Completed training in contraception (or if graduated from 2017 midwifery training diploma)
- Completed in-vivo training in spiral placement
Then the Quality Register employee checks whether approval is granted. If so, your registration period starts on the date of application. Once you are registered in the sub-register, an addition to the existing public register for midwives will appear. This will also indicate whether the midwife in question is registered in the Contraception sub-register. This allows clients to see this information as well.
What are the training requirements?
In a five-year registration period, you are required to devote 20 hours to professional development. These 20 hours are divided into:
- 10 hours of accredited training on contraception
- 10 hours of accredited MIO on contraception
If you take an accredited refresher course in the field of contraception, it is also registered in the Quality Register of Midwives (basic register). The points therefore count for both the basic register and the contraception sub-register. In total, you must obtain 200 points in 5 years in the Quality Register of Midwives, this includes the points from the sub-registers.
What training can I attend?
A list of accredited training courses can be found at PE-Online. Choose as types 'contraception CVT' and 'contraception - MIO'. The accredited trainings of Titus Health Care are all fully or partially accredited for the contraception sub-registry.
How does points registration work?
The organiser of the training course is responsible for the registration of points. Good to know: if you have attended training courses that fall outside the registration period, these do not count retroactively.
Want to know more?
More information on the Contraception sub-register can be found at the website From KNOV.