Sandra Overvliet

"From the day of entry, it feels right at THC. It's a small company, where working together as a team is paramount. Great to be able to use my experience in medical marketing to make a difference for healthcare professionals and women together with my colleagues.
What do I do in my spare time? Everything from fitness, hiking, cooking, dancing, reading to gardening. I enjoy nature; sun, rain or snow, it doesn't matter to me, every season has its charm. I love experiencing and discovering new things"
At Titus Health Care
Sandra is responsible for THC's marketing and communications. Together with the team, she makes sure to reach the target groups with the right means through various channels. By sending out newsletters, creating blogs, content on social media, maintaining and re-branding the websites and organising conferences and events, healthcare professionals and women are kept informed of developments within Women's Health.
Previous experience
Sandra trained in Marketing & Communications (HBO). She has broad knowledge and a diversity of work experience, from marketing & communication manager at a distributor in medical instruments to owner of a company in leisure products. To stay up-to-date, she enjoys taking courses and training.