Starting spirals and implant placement? Contact us soon.

From 1 January 2025, you can learn to place spirals under the supervision of a competent and skilled healthcare professional during supervision training. You can attend supervision training with a colleague but you can also attend supervision training at your own practice. The accredited supervision training (formerly in vivo training) is given by an expert and costs €450 for 5 supervised placements and takes place at your own practice.

Geaccrediteerde supervisie training (5,5 punten)
Duration: 6 hours
Cost € 450 plus travel expenses

 Prior to the supervision training, you will receive a package with all the necessary information to prepare for the training. The training itself lasts 6 hours. You start with an instruction hour in which the protocols, insertion techniques, space and instruments are reviewed. Then you place 5 spirals (copper and hormone spirals) under supervision. Finally, the training is completed together, during which case histories are discussed.
There are experts who will teach you how to place an implantation rod following a supervised spiral placement training course. The experts who offer this are listed below.

Want to attend an accredited supervision training course?
Fill in the application form below. Your chosen expert will contact you to schedule a date for the training.

Request expert supervision training here

Experts Supervision Training
I want to attend a free Start-Up prior to the supervision training:

Groningen - Friesland

The following trainers provide this training. Contact them or fill in the form and one of the trainers will contact you:
- Wendy Wielenga, contraception specialist, supervised training in spirals (possibly supplemented by training in implant placement)


The following trainers provide this training. Contact them or fill in the form and one of the trainers will contact you:
- Wendy Wielenga, contraception specialist, supervised training in spirals (possibly supplemented by training in implant placement)
- Jinke Dijksterhuis, Jalad Obstetric Practice, supervision training in spiral placement

North Holland - Utrecht

The following trainers provide this training. Contact them or fill in the form and one of the trainers will contact you:
- Caroline Grootes, Obstetrician Echo Amsterdam, supervision training spirals (possibly to be supplemented with training in implant placement)
- Mignon van Lammeren, obstetrician Birth Centre Amsterdam, supervision training spirals
- Maaike Steenwijk, Midwife Amsterdam, supervision training spirals

South Holland - Zeeland

The following trainers provide this training. Contact them or fill in the form and one of the trainers will contact you:
- Diane van de Sande, obstetrics practice Hellevoetsluis, supervision training spirals (possibly to be supplemented with training in implant placement)
- Anne-Claire Kloesmeijer, obstetrician The Hague, supervision training spirals (possibly to be supplemented with training in implant placement)
- Marieke van Maaren, Meander Obstetric Practice, supervision training spirals

Flevoland - Overijssel

The following trainers provide this training. Contact them or fill in the form and one of the trainers will contact you:
- Gea Reussing, Midwifery practice NOP Lemsterland, supervision training spirals (possibly to be supplemented with training in implant placement)
- Annemiek Schuurman, Obstetrician, supervision training spirals


The following trainers provide this training. Contact them or fill in the form and one of the trainers will contact you:
- Eefje Gillich, Cyclus obstetric practice, supervision training spirals

North Brabant

The following trainers provide this training. Contact them or fill in the form and one of the trainers will contact you:
- Marieke van Maaren, Meander Obstetric Practice, supervision training spirals
- Eefje Gillich, Cyclus obstetric practice, supervision training spirals


The following trainers provide this training. Contact them or fill in the form and one of the trainers will contact you:
– Chantalle  Wagemans, verloskundige praktijk Meerssen
- Linda Baars, Obstetrician & project manager, supervision training spirals