NEW: accredited webinar counselling implantation rod
Do you find it difficult to give the implantable rod a place in counselling about contraception? Are you searching for which women this form of contraception might be suitable for? Would you like to broaden your knowledge about the implantation rod? Then register quickly for the webinar Counselling implant rod! This webinar lasts only an hour and is scheduled on Wednesday 15 March at 12.30pm and on Tuesday 4 April at 4pm. Accreditation is pending with KNOV.
What can I expect?
The webinar counselling implantation rod is an interactive webinar given by obstetrician and contraception specialist Wendy Wielenga. The hour starts by discussing barriers that may cause there to seem to be no demand for the implantation rod. Scientific research is then discussed and different long-acting contraceptive methods are compared in terms of efficacy, side effects and risks. You will be stimulated to look at this contraceptive objectively. After this training, you will know all about the implantable rod. You will also be able to recognise more easily for whom the implantable device could be an option.
Teacher: Wendy Wielenga
Wendy Wielenga is an obstetrician and contraception specialist. In 2018, she specialised in contraceptive care. Her main motivation is to put good contraceptive care on the map. Wendy has extensive experience in counselling on contraception and in placing spirals and the implantable rod. As an in vivo trainer, Wendy is qualified to train midwives to place spirals.
Practical information
The webinar Counselling implant rod lasts about 1 hour. Accreditation has been applied for 1 point with KNOV (also for the contraception sub-registry). The cost for attending this webinar is €25. You can register via the webshop of Titus Health Care. You will receive the invitation with the link to the webinar one week before the training. The number of places is limited, so register quickly!
Questions or more information?
Do you have any questions about the webinar counselling implantation rod? Then contact the project manager of your region or the office of Titus Health Care.
Chantal van der Voort -
Region South Holland, Zeeland, Utrecht
Lisette Sier-Wismeijer -
Region Groningen, Friesland, Drenthe, Overijssel, Flevoland, Noord-Holland
Maaike Tomesen -
Region Gelderland, North Brabant, Limburg